Mentor A Hawkeye Student

University of Iowa alumni and friends can give back by mentoring and providing internship and practicum experience to current students.

Are you a professional with an opportunity that would be valuable to a current Iowa student? Would you like to mentor a Hawkeye? Reach out to the university contact in your field to discuss the possibilities.

Business, undergraduate level: internships

Barb Thomas, Executive Director, Communication, Alumni and External Relations

Business, graduate level: internships

Cindy Meis, Director, MBA Career Management, Specialized Masters

Dentistry: dental practice opportunities

Amanda Shoemaker, Director of Alumni Relations and Continuing Education

Journalism and Mass Communications: internships and mentorships

David Ryfe, Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Law: internships and mentorships

Pamela Funke, Assistant Director, Alumni Relations

Pharmacy: mentors for first-year Doctor of Pharmacy students

Kayla Sanders, Constituent Relations

Public Health: internships and mentorships

Tara McKee, Alumni and Constituent Relations Coordinator

If you do not see an area that suits your career opportunity, visit the Pomerantz Career Center website to learn how you can recruit and hire current Hawkeyes for internships, micro-internships, and/or employment following graduation.

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As a young man growing up in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Iowa, James ?Jim? Wilson (51BSPE) was heavily influenced by what he saw through his camera lens. ?Photography was his life,? says Marilyn Wilson about her late husband, who died in 2017. ?Jim had a dark room in sixth grade, and his parents gave him a camera for a high school graduation present. He loved to take photographs.? His passion for photography only grew as he got older. While at the University of Iowa, Jim had the opportunity to work under the tutelage of F.W. Kent, who, for 47 years, was the official UI event photographer. ?Jim had to work for everything he had in life,? says Marilyn. ?While at Iowa, Jim had to pay his way, so he worked whenever and wherever he could. He loved working for F.W. Kent, who was a mentor to him.? After graduating from the UI in 1951?the same year the Wilsons got married?and serving a short stint with the U.S. Navy, Jim worked for Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, where he founded the medical photography department. But, just a few years later, Jim was offered a job with Eastman Kodak Company?an organization he worked for until his retirement in 1986. For his more than 30 years at Eastman Kodak, Jim was able to photograph several celebrities?including Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, and Bob Hope?and he photographed the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. He also was instrumental in introducing color photography to businesses throughout the Southeastern U.S. When Jim died in 2017, his wife of more than 60 years, Marilyn, wanted to do something to honor his exemplary career. In 2018, the James W. Wilson Photography Scholarship was established, and Delaney Corrigan, of Batavia, Illinois, has received the scholarship for the 2019-20 academic year. Marilyn is funding this scholarship through the charitable IRA rollover. The charitable IRA rollover allows individuals over the age of 70? to give up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to a qualified charity, such as the State University of Iowa Foundation, without having to pay income taxes on the distribution. For Marilyn, the James W. Wilson Photography Scholarship is a great way to honor her late husband. ?Jim was an exceptional guy,? says Marilyn. ?He was extremely grateful for his degree and for the knowledge he gained at Iowa. He was a loyal Hawkeye.?

Are you new to Iowa City, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Chicago, or the Twin Cities? Alumni in each of these Hawkeye havens have prepared an insider's guide to their cities to help you find your way.

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