Iowa Women's Alumni Network

Nearly 52 percent of University of Iowa graduates are women; many of them are trailblazers in their fields. They are mentors, innovators, and inspiring leaders who are making a difference in their communities, the nation, and the world.

Iowa Women's Alumni Network exists to engage, enrich, and inspire lifelong growth and community. It engages the Hawkeye family through social, educational, and service-based initiatives and programs to inspire the sharing of time, talent, and resources―ultimately enriching and celebrating their connections, growth, and success.


Through events and online communities, Iowa Women's Alumni Network maintains a lively presence that fosters strong personal and professional connections. The group promotes personal and professional growth, celebrates achievements and successes, fosters future generations, and provides opportunities for women to share ideas and inspire one another.

Iowa Women's Alumni Network serves to:

  • Engage the Hawkeye family through social, educational, and service based initiatives and programs
  • Enrich the Hawkeye family’s lives and experiences through sharing time, talent, and resources
  • Inspire the Hawkeye family to connect and grow their personal and professional lives and community

Members enjoy discussion communities, mentoring, and fellowship opportunities.

Our Leadership

Iowa Women's Alumni Network represents the broad diversity of all Hawkeye women across various departmental affiliations, class years, geographies, and personal and professional backgrounds. Its membership body spans the United States and beyond.

Join Us

Join the Facebook group, and use #uiowawomenconnect to connect with us on social media. You may also contact us directly at

Sign up for updates to stay in touch with fellow Hawkeyes, or share your updated contact information so you never miss an upcoming newsletter or email.

For more information, email or call 319-467-3357. To learn more about other ways to get involved with the University of Iowa, check out additional Iowa Alumni Networks.

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A campaign to preserve a 111-year-old cyclorama at the UI Museum of Natural History raises more than $500,000, including from supporters on One Day for Iowa.

In a conversation with student leader Mitch Winterlin, Wilson outlines an ambitious and innovative plan to strengthen the Hawkeye community.

Thanks in part to a $650,000 gift from University of Iowa Dance Marathon, the UI?s largest student organization, the UI Stead Family Children?s Hospital is installing a new, state-of-the-art 3 Tesla MRI machine. The imaging equipment, which cost a total of $3 million, will serve pediatric cancer patients as well as many other patients treated at the hospital. This is the first project funded by UI Dance Marathon to help not only pediatric cancer patients but a larger patient population. UI Dance Marathon is a student-run philanthropy that creates and sustains special projects to provide emotional and financial support for pediatric oncology and bone-marrow-transplant patients and their families cared for at UI Stead Family Children?s Hospital. UI Dance Marathon hosts an annual Big Event where students come together for 24 straight hours to raise awareness for pediatric cancer. Dancers are required to raise a minimum of $500 in order to participate. Over 24 years, UI Dance Marathon has raised a total of $24,548,226 for the kids.

The Graduates of the Last Decade ("GOLD") Leadership Group advocates for the interests of recent graduates of the University of Iowa (alumni who earned a UI degree within the past 10 years).

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