University of Iowa Scottish Highlanders Alumni & Friends Group

Since 1935, the Scottish Highlanders have played a significant role in the history of the University of Iowa and made an impact state and nationwide. Participation in the University of Iowa Scottish Highlanders Alumni & Friends Group (UISHAFG) helps preserve the tradition and honor of the program's rich history. This group serves former Scottish Highlanders, along with their family and friends, while preserving the program's legacy and rich history at Iowa.


The new book The State University of Iowa Scottish Highlands A Treasure in the Heartland is now available! The books are $25 with a $5 shipping fee. To order your copy, email

This 150-page coffee table book has many photos and descriptive text telling the story of the Scottish Highlanders. You may even find your name, photo, or quote inside. It contains travel stories, accomplishments, performance descriptions, and memories of the Highlander years. The story includes little-known facts about the organization, its origin, and what made the Scottish Highlanders such a fantastic and unique group of college students. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to own your own book!


The Scottish Highlanders exhibit can be found on the third floor of the UI Athletics Hall of Fame, 2425 Prairie Meadow Dr., Iowa City. For information and hours of operation, please visit the Hall of Fame website or call 866-466-2326.


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