Hawkeye Pride

Hawkeye Pride Alumni Network serves as a supportive and professional network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and allied (LGBTQ+) alumni. This group will foster a sense of pride in and commitment to the University of Iowa; provide educational resources on LGBTQ+ issues; offer networking and social events; and support current LGBTQ+ students at Iowa.

Our Leadership

The Hawkeye Pride community will represent the broad diversity of all Hawkeyes across various departmental affiliations, class years, geographies, and personal and professional backgrounds. Its membership will span the United States and beyond.

To serve on the leadership board, you must:

  • Be an exemplar of ideal engagement for our constituents and current students
  • Promote alumni engagement through social, educational, and philanthropic initiatives and programs
  • Attend full board meetings and participate in committees and other board projects between regular meetings.
  • Serve a three-year term.

Pride Alliance Center

Part of the mission of Hawkeye Pride is to support current students. The Pride Alliance Center, known by many students as the “Pride House,” provides a supportive and inclusive environment. It also hosts programs that empower students, faculty, staff, and community members to excel in academic endeavors, experience diversity, engage in activism, make positive choices, and serve their community.

Queer After College

Queer After College is a mentor program in which LGBTQ+ University of Iowa alumni connect with and support current LGBTQ+ students as they move through their academic program and toward graduation. As an outcome of this program, students will feel more prepared to:

  • Find an affirming job that supports their LGBTQ identity
  • Build queer community after college
  • Connect academic goals and experiences with career goals

This program, in partnership with the Pride Alliance Center and the Hawkeye Pride Alumni Network, is always looking for alums who want to get involved and be mentors!

Stay Connected

Sign up for updates to stay in touch with fellow Hawkeyes, or share your updated contact information so you never miss an upcoming newsletter or email.

Follow us on Instagram and join our LinkedIn and Facebook groups.

For more information, email alumni.engagement@foriowa.org or call 319-335-3305. To learn more about other ways to get involved with the University of Iowa, check out additional Iowa Alumni Networks.

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A veteran aims to update the Memorial Honor Roll, located inside the Iowa Memorial Union, with the names of students and alumni who died in military conflicts from Vietnam through today. Thousands of Hawkeyes have answered the call of duty during wartime?and some have made the ultimate sacrifice. These University of Iowa students and alumni include Nile Kinnick (40BA), a former halfback whose fighter plane crashed during training in World War II. While not everyone can have a stadium named in their honor, all soldiers deserve to be remembered. That's the premise behind a project that Iowa business graduate and retired Maj. Gen. Stewart Wallace (68BBA) is organizing. Born at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and raised in Britt, Iowa, Wallace joined the army immediately after graduating from Iowa in 1968?during the Vietnam War. He retired in 2001 after 33 years of military service and now volunteers as a military adviser with the Iowa Technology Institute. Wallace is working to update the memorial wall located inside the Iowa Memorial Union with the names of every UI student or graduate who died in the line of duty. The current display, located on the first floor, is missing the names of soldiers from Vietnam through recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. It currently features listings from World War I, World War II, Korea, and some from Vietnam. "It's important to recognize the sacrifice of former students who gave their lives for this country," he says. "They should be recognized, and the IMU is the perfect place to do it." Wallace is working with staff in the Division of Student Life and the Office of the Registrar to cross-reference military death records of soldiers from Iowa and Illinois, but the team needs help and is calling on the families and friends of those who know a Hawkeye who died in the line of duty. "We need help, so we don't leave someone off the list?especially students and alumni from outside of Iowa or Illinois," he says. In 1919, UI President Walter Jessup (34LITTD) called for the construction of a student union dedicated to the memory of soldiers who died in World War I. Since then, the goal of the war memorial has been to honor any UI student or graduate who died while serving. Some names?such as Army Staff Sgt. Robert J. Miller, a Medal of Honor recipient who was killed in combat in Afghanistan?have been added to a digital honor roll, but the physical plaques haven't been updated since the 1970s. If you know any Hawkeyes who were killed or died while serving, especially those who were not from Iowa, submit their names to be included on the updated memorial. You can learn more about the IMU war memorial and its history by visiting its website.

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