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March 14, 2025 - April 30, 2025
Nominations Open for Family Spirit Award
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Calling all Hawkeyes! It´s time to nominate your favorite family for the 2025 University of Iowa Family Spirit Award.

The award recognizes a family-spanning at least three generations of Iowa graduates-that has substantially benefited from and continues to advocate for the university, as well as contributes toward bettering the state of Iowa and its communities.

Nominate a family:

The recipients of this award will receive the ultimate Hawkeye experience during Family Weekend, Oct. 24-25, 2025, including 20 tickets to the Iowa football game against Minnesota.

To nominate a family, you will need to share:

o The nominee´s name, as well as yours

o Your relationship to the nominee

o Family´s patriarch and/or matriarch

o Names of at least three family members to represent three generations of Iowa graduates

o Why this family is deserving of the UI Family Spirit Award (500 words or less)

Nominations will be accepted until Wednesday, April 30. You can submit your nomination online, or mail your nomination materials to:

The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
c/o University of Iowa Family Spirit Award
One West Park Road
Iowa City, Iowa 52242

Contact: Laurel Hall 319-467-3518

Departments: Center for Advancement, Graduate College

April 2, 2025
Quad Cities Together Hawkeyes Tour
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (CDT)
Where: 25500 Valley Dr, Pleasant Valley, IA US 52767

Together, Hawkeyes continue to blaze new trails and fuel discoveries. This spring, we are headed to the Quad Cities-and we hope you will join us for a special night celebrating all things black and gold.

Together Hawkeyes Tour
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
6-7:30 p.m. | Program at 6:45 p.m.

You'll gain insights into the Together Hawkeyes campaign and plans to expand programming to support our first-generation students. You´ll also learn about other university happenings as you hear from:

  • Barbara Wilson, University of Iowa president
  • Lynette Marshall, UI Center for Advancement president and chief executive officer
  • Meliana Anderson, a first-generation college student from Davenport who is studying nursing at Iowa

Hors d´oeuvres and a hosted bar will be provided.

We hope to see you in the Quad Cities!

Contact: Laurel Hall 319-467-3518

Departments: Center for Advancement, Office of the President

August 2, 2024 - December 5, 2025
Art & Write Night
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 39-53 East Jefferson Street, Iowa City, IA US 52240

Join the long, rich, historical tradition of artists creating in our spaces.

Professional, aspiring, and amateur artists alike, make our museum your muse. The return of this popular program series welcomes guests into the Museum of Natural History's magical gallery spaces after-hours to work on sketching or writing projects with other campus and community artists.

Tell a friend, grab a notebook, and join us on the first Friday of each month. We'll provide a new inspo prompt for each session and will sometimes move about the Museum but we'll always start in Mammal Hall on the third Floor of Macbride Hall. Join anytime between 6-8 p.m. and feel free to participate in a themed creation challenge or work on your own project with our exhibits as inspiration. We'll save the last 15-30 minutes of each session to share what we've been working on, connecting with others (optional, of course!).

Please note, the Museum is typically closed during this time, meaning the main entrance to Iowa Hall (atop the large staircase outside on the east side of Macbride Hall) will be closed and locked. All other building doors will be open, offering access to the Ground Floor of Macbride Hall. Mammal Hall is located on the third floor of Macbride Hall and can be reached by stairs or by taking the elevator to the third floor of the building.

Special thanks to Blick Art Materials for supplying extra art materials. Make sure to check in with us in Mammal Hall to check out a variety of special art tools and supplies.

Contact: Jessica Smith 319-335-3591

Departments: Department of Biology, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of Rhetoric, Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Iowa Writers' Workshop, Iowa Youth Writing Project, Leadership and Engagement, Magid Center for Writing, Museum of Natural History

April 6, 2025
Sundays with the Docents | "it's a fine thing" exhibition tour
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 160 West Burlington Street, Iowa City, IA US 52242

Join us for a tour of the Stanley Museum of Art's latest exhibition, it's a fine thing. This tour is presented in conjunction with the NEA Big Read and will draw connections between the show and Toni Morrison's novel Beloved. .

This tour is part of the Sundays with the Docents program where Stanley docents create unique tours to share with our audiences throughout the year. Registration is strongly recommended. Walk-ins are welcome, but tours are capped at 20 participants.

Reserve your spot at

Contact: Stanley Museum of Art 319-335-1727

Departments: Center for Advancement, Office of the Provost

April 9, 2025
Together Hawkeyes Tour | Des Moines
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (CDT)
Where: 711 High St, Des Moines, IA US 50392

Together, Hawkeyes continue to blaze new trails and fuel discoveries. This spring, we are headed to Des Moines-and we hope you will join us for a special night celebrating all things black and gold.

Together Hawkeyes Tour
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
6-7:30 p.m. | Program at 6:45 p.m.

Principal Financial Group
Third Level Atrium
711 High St.
Des Moines

Register here:

You'll gain insights into the Together Hawkeyes campaign and plans to expand programming to support our first-generation students. You´ll also learn about other university happenings as you hear from:

oBarbara Wilson, University of Iowa president
oLynette Marshall, UI Center for Advancement president and chief executive officer

Hors d´oeuvres and a hosted bar will be provided.

We hope to see you in Des Moines!

Contact: Laurel Hall 319-467-3518

Departments: Center for Advancement, Office of the President

April 10, 2025
Nagle-Duda Gymnastics & Spirit Squads Training Center Dedication Ceremony
3:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 2811 Prairie Meadow Drive, Iowa City, IA US 52246

Join us for the dedication ceremony for the Nagle-Duda Gymnastics & Spirit Squads Training Center!

This dedication ceremony will take place outdoors. Self-guided tours and refreshments will be available following brief remarks.

Your RSVP is appreciated! Please share your attendance plans by April 3.

Parking will be available in Lots 35, 45, and 71. Parking restrictions will be lifted starting at 2:30 p.m. Parking in the Sports Medicine Clinic Lot is prohibited.

In the case of inclement weather, the dedication ceremony will be held at the Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Complex, which is located at 2820 Prairie Meadow Drive, Iowa City.

Contact: Iowa Athletics Development 319-467-3410

Departments: Center for Advancement, Department of Athletics

April 11, 2025
University of Iowa Henry B. Tippie College of Business Investiture Ceremony
3:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 1 Park Road, Iowa City, IA US 52242

Please join us as we celebrate faculty appointments in the UI Henry B. Tippie College of Business:   

  • Tong Yao to the Keith L. Cook Professorship 
  • Richard Peter to the Nationwide Insurance Professorship


We also will recognize the generous donors who established these prestigious positions within the college:

  • The late Keith L. Cook (49BSC) and Sharon Kress
  • Nationwide Insurance 


A reception will follow on the first-floor rotunda. No RSVP is necessary. 

Contact: Kerry Cheverton 319-467-3353

Departments: Center for Advancement, Tippie College of Business

April 11, 2025
Tippie College Faculty Investiture
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 1 Park Road, Iowa City, IA US 52242

This event will be the formal awarding of faculty professorships within the Tippie College. 
We will be honoring: 
Tong Yao to the Keith L. Cook Professorship 
Richard Peter to the Nationwide Insurance Professorship 

In addition, we will be recognizing the generous donnors who established these prestigious positions within the college: 
The late Keith L. Cook (49BSC) and Sharon Kress 
Nationwide Insurance 

A reception will follow in the first-floor rotunda. No RSVP is necessary 

Contact: Barbara Thomas 319-335-2188

Departments: Department of Finance, Center for Advancement

January 19, 2025 - May 18, 2025
Drawing Salon with Robert Caputo
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm (CST)
Where: 160 West Burlington Street, Iowa City, IA US 52242

The Drawing Salon focuses on drawing artworks from the museum's collection. Each session will focus on a different artwork. The sessions will begin with an introduction and discussion of the selected work. Participants will be encouraged to pursue their own visions and to take inspiration from the artworks in the gallery.

Pencils and sketchbooks/paper are the only artmaking materials allowed in the galleries. The museum has golf pencils with erasers and clipboards for participants to use. Stools and benches are available in the galleries.

Robert Caputo, an Iowa City-based painter and sculptor, will lead the sessions.

The Drawing Salon is limited to 20 participants. Please reserve your spot by clicking below:

January 19, 2025

February 16, 2025

March 16, 2025

April 13, 2025

May 18, 2025

Contact: Stanley Museum of Art 319-335-1727

Departments: Pentacrest Museums, Center for Advancement, Office of the Provost, University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art

April 16, 2025
GradFest 2025
9:00 am - 6:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 125 North Madison Street, Iowa City, IA US 52245

Students planning to graduate in the spring 2025 semester are encouraged to pick up their cap and gown at GradFest 2025 in the IMU´s Main Lounge.

Enjoy free snacks and fun activities, snag exclusive freebies and discounts, learn about alumni resources, and catch up on your graduation checklist!

Diploma frames, graduation announcements, class rings, and other items will be available on-site.

Contact: Lynn Rider 319-467-3344

Departments: Carver College of Medicine, Center for Advancement, College of Pharmacy, College of Public Health, Commencement, Graduate College, Office of the President, Pomerantz Career Center

April 16, 2025
Tippie Webinar - Open for Business: Launching and Growing Your Startup
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (CDT)

Establishing a business provides many challenges - from launch, to expansion, to selling the business or even closing the doors. Our panel of experts will share experiences from their entrepreneurial journeys that will provide insight and ideas for attendees. Moderator: Kurt Heiar (BA83), Associate Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship Panelists: Tom Cardella (MBA95) Founder and CEO of TLCx, Eric Engelmann (BBA97), General Partner at ISA Ventures, Partner at Novy, and Board Chair of the New Bohemian Innovation Collaborative (NewBoCo), and Frances Johnson, Chief Innovation Officer at Perspective Therapeutics.

Contact: Barbara Thomas 319-335-2188

Departments: Graduate Management Programs, Undergraduate Program, Graduate Program, Center for Advancement, Tippie College of Business

April 16, 2025
University of Iowa Libraries Investiture Ceremony
4:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 21 North Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA US 52240

Join Us on April 16 to Recognize Staff, Generous Alumni, and Friends

We will celebrate the appointment of Kate Orazem to the position of Jean Lloyd-Jones and Michal Eynon-Lynch Iowa Women´s Archives Women in Politics Archivist.

We will also recognize Jean Lloyd-Jones and Michal Eynon-Lynch, whose philanthropic support established this prestigious position within the UI Libraries.

Contact: Kerry Cheverton 319-467-3353

Departments: Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs, Library and Information Science, Graduate College, University Libraries

April 17, 2025
University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine Investiture
3:00 pm (CDT)
Where: 375 Newton Road, Iowa City, IA US 52246

Please join us as we celebrate a faculty appointment in the UI Carver College of Medicine:

  • Megan Samuelson (06MD, 11F, 12F) to the Jo Ann Benda Surgical Pathology Professorship


We also will recognize the generous donors who established this prestigious position:

  • Charles Platz and Jo Ann Benda (75MD, 82R)


A reception will follow in the Jean and Renée Robillard Atrium

No RSVP is necessary. Parking is available in the Newton Road Ramp. There will be no ceremonial processional, and only those participating in the ceremony will wear academic regalia.

Contact: Mackenzie Krob 319-467-3522

Departments: Carver College of Medicine Research, Carver College of Medicine

April 18, 2025
Schools Out at the Stanley | Bunny Buddies
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm (CDT)
Where: 160 West Burlington Street, Iowa City, IA US 52242

Hop to it! In this fun and creative workshop, children will transform ordinary socks into adorable bunny friends. Using rice to fill their bodies and buttons for eyes and noses, kids will design and create their own unique and cuddly companions.

Space is limited; please reserve your spot at

Please arrive in time for children to settle in and begin the project at 2 p.m.

School's Out at the Stanley is offered on days when Iowa City Community School District has no classes. Art projects are developed with school-aged children in mind. All abilities and experience levels are welcome. Caregivers must remain with children during the program.

Contact: Stanley Museum of Art 319-335-1727

Departments: Center for Advancement, Office of the Provost

April 23, 2025
TRACERS: From Iowa to Space - Unlocking the Mysteries of the Sun and Earth
5:00 pm (CDT)

Get ready for liftoff-and get a mission patch sticker!

University of Iowa researchers are leading the upcoming launch of TRACERS, a groundbreaking NASA mission that will unlock the secrets of space weather in the magnetosphere.

Join the countdown to launch by attending TRACERS: From Iowa to Space - Unlocking the Mysteries of the Sun and Earth at 5 p.m. CDT on April 23. During this special virtual event, you´ll hear from the team of Iowa researchers behind the mission.

To mark this historic moment, we´re giving away special commemorative mission patch stickers. Request up to four stickers, as well as receive details about the April 23 virtual event by registering. Stickers are limited and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.

Contact: Tegan Donahue 319-467-3393

Departments: Research Development Office, Office of Undergraduate Research, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Office of the Vice President for Research

January 26, 2025 - May 25, 2025
Write at the Stanley
2:30 pm - 4:15 pm (CST)
Where: 160 West Burlington Street, Iowa City, IA US 52242

Write at the Stanley: A Generative Writing Workshop is back for the Spring Semester!

Join us monthly to generate new creative writing inspired by works in the Stanley collection. Each session will be led by a different talented writer from our area, who will be offering a new prompt and a new approach to ekphrastic writing (writing inspired by visual art). Bring your own notebook and pencil or computer and leave with the beginning of a newly written piece.

Co-sponsored by Iowa City Poetry. Teen and adult writers in all genres are welcome.

Write at the Stanley meets every fourth Sunday of the month. Space is limited, so we encourage you to reserve your spot by clicking the dates below:

Jan. 26 | Barbara Price 
Feb. 23 | Akwi Nji
March 23 | Caroline Clay
April 27 | Tracie Morris
May 25 | Jeneé Skinner

Contact: Stanley Museum of Art 319-335-1727

Departments: Department of English, Iowa Writers' Workshop, Pentacrest Museums, Center for Advancement, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, International Writing Program, Office of the Provost, University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art, The Writing University

April 29, 2025
2025 Carroll Area I-Club Spring Fan Event
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm (CDT)
Where: 210 W. Head St., Arcadia, IA US 51430

You and your fellow Hawkeyes fans are invited to join the Carroll Area I-Club for a special evening in Arcadia! Joining us for the evening will be:

  • Kirk Ferentz, Moon Family Head Football Coach
  • Jan Jensen, P. Sue Beckwith, MD, Head Women´s Basketball Coach
  • Dave DiIanni, Iowa soccer head coach
  • Gary Dolphin, voice of the Iowa Hawkeyes


Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour, followed by a dinner and program. This event will include cash refreshments, door prizes, and more. Cost is $30 for adults and $15 for youth (seventh grade and younger).

RSVP to Bill Wenger with the Carroll Area I-Club at 712-790-0527 or

For more information about this event and other Hawkeye outings, visit To learn how you can support Hawkeye student-athletes, visit

Contact: Iowa Athletics Development 319-467-3410

Departments: Center for Advancement

May 8, 2025
Eight Over 80 Awards
11:00 am (CDT)

As Hawkeyes, we give back throughout our lives.

We're leaders in our professions. We're generous with our time and talent. We're passionate about things we love - especially anything black and gold. And some Hawkeyes continue to make an impact well beyond retirement.

That's why we are honoring Iowa alumni, age 80 and over, who carry the Hawkeye spirit of achievement and continue to help others.

Nominate a Hawkeye for this award:

Contact: Erin Brokel 319-467-3668

Departments: Office of Community Engagement, Center for Advancement, Office of the Provost, UI Retirees Association

May 8, 2025
5:30 pm (CDT)
Where: 93 East Burlington Street, Iowa City, IA US 52240

In a world full of noise, we often try listening to something: conversations with colleagues and family, music in our headphones, videos blasting from our smartphones. We hear all these things daily, but what does it mean to truly listen? In what sense do devices also listen to us? What is the role of silence in listening? How has listening changed over time? Can political tensions be solved through "listening"? How is listening both an art and a science? This Wide Lens event brings together researchers from science, social sciences, the humanities, and the arts to investigate what it means to listen deeply and thoughtfully.

Note: The event will take place on Thursday, May 8, 2025, in the Herald Stark Opera Studio at Voxman Music Building. It is tentatively scheduled to begin at 5:30, but this may change. Please check back closer to the event.


  • Gerta Bardhoshi, Counseling (College of Education)
  • Brittany Bettendorf, Rheumatology (Carver College of Medicine)
  • Eric Hunter, Communication Sciences and Disorders (CLAS)
  • Julianna Pacheco, Political Science (CLAS)
  • Damani Phillips, Jazz Studies, School of Music (CLAS)
  • Morten Schlütter, Religious Studies (CLAS)

Hosts: Luis Martín-Estudillo, Director, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies; Roland Racevskis, Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities, CLAS; and Kristy Nabhan-Warren, Associate Vice President for Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Free and open to all.

About the series:

The Wide Lens series, a joint initiative of the UI College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, and the Office of the Vice President for Research, aims to inspire and connect the University of Iowa community across the disciplines. For each Wide Lens event, researchers, scholars, and artists from across the university briefly present their work on a shared topic of interest pecha kucha-style. Then, we open the floor to questions and conviviality over hors d'oeuvres and drinks.

Wide Lens is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, and the Office of the Vice President for Research. 

Contact: Erin Hackathorn 319-335-4034

Departments: Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of Political Science, School of Music, Obermann Center, Carver College of Medicine, Center for Advancement, College of Education, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Office of the Vice President for Research

December 2, 2025
Student Impact Grant Presentations
4:00 pm (CST)

Hear from the eight 2025 Student Impact Grant recipients and learn how private support enhanced their Iowa experience. Student Impact Grants are made possible by generous gifts from alumni and friends who provide unrestricted support to the university.

About Student Impact Grants

The University of Iowa Office of the President and the Student Advancement Network have partnered to create Student Impact Grants, which provide funding for undergraduate and graduate student activities outside of the classroom-including research, travel, and service projects. These grants enable students to pursue opportunities that might not otherwise be possible without financial assistance.

Contact: Holly Jones 319-467-3377

Departments: Carver College of Medicine, Center for Advancement, University Honors Program

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A total of four school records have fallen in 2024. PHOTO: Brian Ray/ Iowa's Madison Dabagia lines up a putt at Finkbine Golf Course. It?s been a spring season to remember for the Iowa women?s golf program. Since February?when the Hawkeyes began the second half of their schedule in Boca Raton, Florida?Iowa women?s golf has broken a total of four school records. Megan Menzel, the 13-year head coach of the Hawkeyes, has been glad to see the hard work of her team paying off. ?Our group was incredibly young this year?mainly made up of freshmen and sophomores,? said Menzel. ?I knew we would have some growing pains, but they?ve really made great strides this spring?improving and getting better as individuals and as a team. I?m excited to see what this group can accomplish in the coming years.? Here?s a recap of the records the Hawkeyes shattered in the past few months. Lowest 18-Hole Team Score The first of many records to fall in 2024 was the lowest 18-hole team score in program history, which was broken in February at the Westbrook Spring Invitational at Westbrook Village Golf Club in Peoria, Arizona. The Hawkeyes shot a 280 (8-under-par)?the lowest 18-hole team score in school history in the second round of the tournament. But the young group wasn?t done. In the final round, Iowa shot a 279 (9-under-par)?breaking the record once again. Sophomore Madison Dabagia and junior Paula Miranda each led the way with a pair of 69s on the par 72 course while sophomore Riley Lewis and sophomore Kaitlyn Hanna shot 70 and 71, respectively. ?Madi and Paula did a great job of leading the way for us, and it is exciting for them to hold the record,? said Menzel after the tournament. The previous record low was a 282 set in 2015 at the Johnie Imes Invitational in Columbia, Missouri, at Old Hawthorne Golf Course. The lineup from that team was Amy Ihm (16BS), Jessica Ip (18BA), Briana Midkiff (19PharmD), Jessie Sindlinger (17BBA), and Elisa Suarez (18BBA, 19MS). PHOTO: Brian Ray/ Iowa?s Paula Miranda pumps her fist after making a putt during a tournament this season. Lowest 54-Hole Team Score at Iowa In Arizona, Iowa also shot its best 54-hole team score in school history. The Hawkeyes delivered an 847 (288-280-279) over the two-day event, shattering the previous mark of 864 set in 2015. Iowa improved during every round of the tournament. After opening with a score of 288 (even par), the Hawkeyes followed with a 280 (8-under-par) and 279 (9-under-par). For the three-round tournament, every Iowa golfer shot under par at some point?with 12 of the 15 posted rounds ending at or below par. For the season, Iowa has also posted six of the top 17 team rounds in program history. Lowest 54-Hole Individual Score The last of three records to fall in Arizona was the lowest 54-hole individual score in program history. Both Dabagia and Miranda set the record with a 209, with Dabagia matching the record the following week at the UNF Collegiate at the Jacksonville Golf and Country Club in Jacksonville, Florida. ?It was great to see Madi put together back-to-back weeks of under-par golf,? said Menzel after the tournament in Florida. The previous 54-hole individual record was a 211, which was set by Ihm at the 2016 Big Ten Championships and matched by then-freshman Shannyn Vogler at the 2023 National Golf Invitational. Lowest 18-Hole Round In Florida, Dabagia also tied the best 18-hole round in program history with a 66 (6-under-par). She carded seven birdies during the round, which tied Lea Zeitler (23BA) for best in Iowa women?s golf history. Zeitler shot her 66 during the Rebel Beach Invitational in 2021 at Spanish Trail Country Club in Las Vegas. The Hawkeyes are now off until the fall season, which starts in September.

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